Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Forty Days of Water

Today begins Lent and I am going to join the 40 days of water project again. I did this last year and it rally made an impact on me.

In nearly a third of the world injustice threatens to take away these basic kinds of choices that we take for granted. In these places a woman can choose to drink the unclean river water or the unclean puddle water. She can choose to walk once for four hours to get water or walk twice for eight hours to get more water. She can choose to give her children something to drink that she knows may make them sick or she can give them nothing at all. She can persist or give up. You can help give her a real choice.

Last year every time that I was tempted to complain about having to drink water (purified and flowing out of my fridge at the push of a button) I was reminded of the women and children who have to spend their days just getting water. Many kids in Africa, for example, cannot get an education because their days must be spent hauling water.

I like having other things to drink as much as the next person -- but knowing that I was doing something to benefit those who do not have even water kept me moving forward (what I would have spent on drinks is sent to the blood water mission to be used to provide clean water in Uganda). Last year I calculated over $160 that would have been spent on other drinks and sent it there.

Anyone up for doing it with me? If you've already had one drink today, I think they'd be ok with you starting a few hours late so don't use that as an excuse! Let me know if this is something you're doing so we can encourage each other along the way.


  1. This is my first time participating. I'm actually excited about it! Although my main drinks are milk and water, I can still give up my morning instant cappuccino and my milk with meals.

  2. Yes, I do want to do this! I am fasting today for Ash Wednesday, so I did have a home made iced coffee because I hadn't planned to give up the few beverages I do drink (right or wrong, don't judge! LOL!).

    However, I can do this. I, too, am grieved by the number of people in the world who are without pure drinking water. So one itty-bitty home made (substitute pretty cheap, I admit it!) coffee drink is not going to hurt. I will be missing milk and coffee, but for what Jesus gave up for me, 40 days without other beverages will be nothing, right?

    Thanks for the inspiration--and keep me motivated, 'kay? LOL! Remind me WHY we abstain for religous reasons (so far, I don't abstain much for health reasons!). Remind me often of what Jesus gave up for me, a lowly human. Remind me why we give alms if I forget and want to be greedy with my cash! :)

    Truly, though, most of my beverages are home made--water or dairy kefir, coffee drinks, and kombucha tea. If I only chose to offer money for the organization due to what I gave up, it would be minimal. But when I think of what they will gain, I am certain I can give more cash! :)

