Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where I've been (if you care)

I realized after looking over several blogs that not many people feel a need to let their blog readers know where they are every day. Typically they are busy saying something more interesting than that, but for some reason i feel compelled to always give a report of where I've been and what I've been up to.

I last blogged on Monday morning. A few hours after that I drove up to the Cities after a nice lunch with Bart and Dominyk and Wilson, the only kids at home on President's Day. I arrived and immediately napped and then put in several hours for work before going to bed to be up at 6 to head for a training. It was a good day -- a great group of people to train. After the training I drove home, arriving at about 7:40... tried to get things back into shape quickly (the kids tend to ignore chores, etc.) when I'm not here.

Today I'm home with nothing on my calendar today. I like days like that as I have plenty of work inside my computer that needs done. Tomorrow Bart and I will be trying to leave together -- I have several meetings, we are having supper with friends, and then we both train in the Cities tomorrow so we have a PCA coming to stay the night here (yeah, I know, it will take all of the hours for the next two weeks for the one night but it will be worth it).

We typically have more nights away but we haven't been away overnight together since June 15th so it will be nice to relax, even though by the time we finish dinner it will be time to get ready for bed... at least we'll be together instead of sleeping apart, something that has happened way too many times lately.

So that's my wearabouts.... but I understand if you skip these posts. I can't imagine I'd be much interested in reading this kind of stuff about someone else. But you're probably not self-absorbed like I am ;-)


  1. not that I'm not self absorbed, truly I am.... my life is less than exciting and I work from home so rarely go anywhere, the last time Matt and I went out to eat together - the girls stole the car, so leaving home doesn't have alot of appeal. I could fill everyone in on what seeds I planted and what paperwork I've done, hardly seems relevant tho'

  2. Well, it's your life, and since reading your blog gives me some type of disjointed fellowship, it reads like what it would sound like if I spoke with you and said "hey Claud, whatcha been up to?" So, that's how I view your blog, a bloggy fellow laborer, telling me whatcha been doing.
