Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I got Rhythm.... ;-)

At least for the moment... hopefully for good.

The procedures this morning were better than I thought they would be. The TEE that I hated two years ago wasn't nearly as annoying because they use a different numbing procedure. It was still gag-producing and gross, but not nearly as bad as before. I also had a very patient cardiologist, Dr. Wong, who did that procedure and who specifically asked me not to mention him by name in my blog. Goes to show you that I do have an ODD diagnosis.

Then Dr. Portapotti (as I call him) did my cardioversion but I don't remember that part hardly at all. I remember that he came in the room to see me ... and that I confirmed that the blood clot in my heart is gone (YAY)... but I don't remember much else. He talked to Bart and told him that I had to be shocked twice.

I came home and slept most of the afternoon. I feel pretty good considering how heavily I was sedated and all that they did to me.

THANK YOU for your prayers. Wouldn't it be awesome if I was really "back to normal" -- whatever normal is???


  1. Absolutely Awesome!

  2. Glad your back in the groove!
    Mom had Dr. W as well. He scolded her something fierce in ICU for not taking her meds correctly, but then apologized later and they got along good.
