Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Looking for a Few Bloggers to Write some Guest Articles

The Adopt America Network has an excellent post-adoption program that includes a series of articles sent out as emails to a large list of adoptive parents. So far I have written all of them (I put links up to them yesterday) but I think it would be great to have some guest writers. Sorry, there is no cash involved, but a link to your blog and any other online resources you have created would be available if you are interested in increasing your blog readership or promoting your own stuff.

Here is the list of articles that we would like to include in the next several weeks

Attachment Parenting (using ideas like those of Karen Purvis and Dan Hughes)

How to Start an Effective Adoption Blog

Ways to help further the cause of adoption from foster care

Transracial Parenting of Adolescents

Surviving the summer


Homeschooling resources

School Issues - transitioning back to school

Money saving tips

Let me know if you would be interested or if you have a specific topic that you would like to share.... Kari has agreed to write on food issues, medication and FASD...

I'm excited about this collaboration (and no, not just because it will mean less work for me)


  1. Hi--

    I'd like to write about transracial parenting of adolescents. How long a piece are you looking for, and when would you need it?

  2. I've been looking for more opportunities to guest post. My wife and I haven't adopted yet, but we are fostering three right now (in China) and are wanting to adopt our first foster child. Let me know how I can help. -Matt

  3. Email me privately at maeflye at mac dot com and we can talk further :-)

    I'm excited to have people interested and willing.
