Thursday, April 19, 2012

And Today Includes....

Job Corp orientation and interview for Mercedes. I hope she makes the right decision for her. That will be the trick -- not doing things because her parents or her friends think it is good or bad, but because she knows it's what she needs to do. Pray for her that she will be able to do that.

Having breakfast with some really fun and "cool" adoptive moms in the Cities during the orientation (but no, Kari, nobody else will be the BFF you used to be (until you got skinnier) and then in the afternoon I have a training meeting Sadie will go to with me. So I'll be gone over 12 hours today... working between things at places with WiFi.

but I need to shut up and get a couple things done in the next 10 minutes before we take off...

g'day everyone and top of the morning to you!

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