Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Moving Sale

No, we are not having a garage-salish thing because they are wayyyyyyyyy too much work for the amount of free time we have. We have a ton of stuff we could sell at one I suppose, but this woman is not putting little price tags on things and putting them outside the house in the yard for people to dig through and make comments about how stupid I was to buy the stuff in the first place. No way. Definitely not my thing.

However, we have a closet that has several stacks of books that we wrote that we need to sell!

So, if you haven't bought yours yet you can save $4.00 on your total purchase -- the biggest sale I've ever done.

I figure if Bart has 3,000 books he has bought that we have to move, the last thing we need to do is to pack books that we should have sold by now...

So, you can read about all three books here and then go from there or by clicking here to our online store and order one, two or all three of the books and save some $. And help me have a few less things to pack. Because really, when it comes right down to it, it's all about me.


1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to order your books for months - just did it. Thank you!
