Wednesday, April 18, 2012

If you don't want me to tell people you did something stupid...

then don't do something stupid!

Jimmy was fired from his job and arrested ticketed for shoplifting yesterday. The whole thing makes me very sad for him as he was an excellent employee. And the whole thing makes no sense. He was stealing, over a period of time, several little food items. But it doesn't make any sense because he has plenty of money saved and they give him free meals though. It's been a habit of his over the years to just pilfer small items... and it never makes sense. For example, he has stolen our cash while he has money in his account and all he would have to do is take the cash and say to bart or I "I'm grabbing a ten -- can you take it off my account."

I'm not sure how it all relates to his developmental disabilities or low IQ, but it's one of those things employers just don't put up with. So now we are challenged with helping him find another job after having been fired and arrested. As if the challenge wasn't going to be great otherwise.

At least he is going to be around to help pack.

An hour after he was ticketed and fired yesterday, we got notification in the mail that Ricardo had been ticketed for underage consumption. I really can't put into words how frustrated I am that he has chosen (and been enabled to choose) to leave our family. His school attendance has gotten horrible and now he has been arrested. Sigh.

2/3 of our children have been arrested at least once. That's not good statistics. Another sigh.

I could have done without all this...


  1. We have two Jimmy's here. Have all they need, money in their account yet still shoplift, sneak from us etc... It has to be a control/thrill thing, or maybe stems back to their utter neglect and instinctual survival...
    We have the disabilities and low IQ's so part of it maybe the not adding 1 + 1. Their are no consequences, real life or home induced that seem to reach them. Its all impulse. sad,is what it really is.
