Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two Miracles Down, Two to Go


Bart spent 4 hours with the current pastor of our new church and it was a great meeting. I had told Bart back in November or December that the only way God would ask us to move away from the people we love here in Mankato was if he had a place that really needed us... that was lined up and ready for exactly what he (and our family) would bring to the table, so to speak, in regards to ministry and mission. Every hour that went by yesterday I was convinced that this was the truth. The church is right at the point of wanting to do the kind of ministry that Bart and I have wanted to do for years -- urban ministry in a multicultural environment. We met a couple of the staff people and everything seems lined up ... it's like a launching pad for a rocketship heading to new heights. I have to keep reminding myself that we will need to take things slowly and that it's my church, but not my job, but it's still an obvious God-thing. And that's Miracle Number One.

We also are signing a lease to rent the perfect house for us! The landlords are accidental ones and the house is meticulous -- yet they still plan to redo flooring in some rooms and repaint. It is spacious with an open floor plan and they are even throwing in the family room furniture for free (they can't get it up the stairs -- it's what is seen in the picture below). When I had scoured (and I mean thoroughly gone through every possibility within 5 miles of the church) the web, this is the only one that stood out to me. I was afraid that someone else was going to get it first, or that Bart wasn't going to like it, but once we were inside we knew it was our place.. at least for now to rent... possibly to buy in the future. I'm not sure if it is OK to do this, so if it isn't someone please let me know, but our new address is going to be DELETED FROM THIS POST BECAUSE of what happened here and these are the pictures of the house :-) I won't show you bathrooms or bedrooms, or the backyard and garage -- you'll have to come over to see that. And there you have it -- huge Miracle Number Two. Of course this is all pending that the renter doesn't change her mind, but she won't. She liked Bart and I and she didn't meet the kids :-)

Two more left and I'll stop asking God for miracles for us and let Him do some for you :-) We need to sell or rent this house -- which will be the biggest miracle of all -- and we need an ideal living situation for Rand. I know if God can do the two above, he can do the remaining two!

Thanks for your prayers!


  1. When I saw the picture of the outside of the house, my thought is it is way to small. But the pictures of the inside are huge. I love the open layout. Are you sure the first picture is the right one? :)

  2. Remember Phillipians 4:19 My God Shall supply ALL my needs".
    So how many will be officially going with you?

    Jealous of the roomy house!! We might have to come see you AND our bro in law in Rochester!!

    Lisa Rose

  3. What a beautiful house... Yay God!!

  4. We haven't met, and I only "know" you from the adoption support boards on FB (and your blog), but my family is preaying for you & yours! We have been foster parents for almost 2 years, and adoptive parents for nearly one year & I have nothing but admiration for you & your family! Good luck with the move & I hope to meet you soon :)

  5. Yeah, Toni. Isn't that weird? It looks so small from the front, but it's huge. Three levels, one bathroom on each level, and a huge garage in the back. It actually sits on a slope, so if you saw it from the back you'd believe it was the same house.

    Hope to meet you too Jo!

  6. Love it!!!!! So happy for you!!!
