Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Craving a Regular Routine

Last night I was up fairly late listening to drama via text and phone from someone who doesn't live here.  I try to be supportive because for so many years as kids they didn't want my help or advice, but I do get a little annoyed that now that they are at the point that there is very little I can do about the messes they find themselves in they reach out to me for support.  But I have been giving it for the past 24 hours off and on regardless...

Then this morning Bart decided it was time to head out and get the furniture taken care of and we were miles away at lunch time and basically all I can say about our new neighborhood is, "So many restaurants, so little time."  SO we enjoyed lunch out and then I headed home.

Last night we attended a very animated and passionate meeting at the new church.  Bart brought me along and I introduced myself as his trophy wife which brought about much laughter from people I have not yet met.  Of course, that was the intention, because it's fairly obvious I'm no trophy wife.  I promised to keep silent, but there is no way that I can keep my mouth shut when I think I have something important to say.  I was fairly self-controlled, but I still said too much as a person who wasn't even really supposed to be at the meeting.

Sooo.... we now have furniture selected for our living room and I am home trying to make dent in some of my work.  I really would like to get into some kind of a routine so that I can be on schedule.  It makes me feel much more secure.

But for now I'll just keep plugging away.  Everything is exciting.  And I like that.

Tonight we have been invited over to dinner by some people from our new church.  And in case anyone is curious, Bart's first Sunday is this week!  

Tomorrow we head down to see AJ, hopefully!  By the way his name is Aiden Jamison -- and Mike is choosing not to have him be a Fletcher but to use his mom's last name.  I am still in awe at how cute he is.  I'm looking forward to holding him!

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