Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Feedback please...

Not much time right now to explain all the uses of this card, but I was trying to design a fairly catchy business card that I could use in any setting that would let people know about my passion and about all my affiliations.

Wondering how this grabs people -- you can be honest... you'll probably all disagree with each other and I won't be able to please you all ... but am interested in your thoughts..

Click on it to make it bigger so you can read it......


  1. That's really clever!

  2. WOW! That is one FULL little business card! And a bit of work for my dyslexic self…but all and all a cute idea!

  3. It is original and creative! I like it.

  4. The card is intriguing. It would peak my interest if you gave it to me, and I would read it.

    It needs a name other than 'business card' for sure. Contact card? Nutshell? LOL "Here's me in a nutshell."

    Yeah, I'm a cheeseball.

  5. I love the idea and the text is really cute and clever. You packed a lot in. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the font. Maybe even using a different one for each different "hat" you wear. But that's a small thing, I really like it!

  6. I really like it but is there any way you can get your 'colored' info to run down the middle more like a traditional business card would have it? So the name of your organization isn't on 2 lines? That way at first glance people have the business card info and then if they want to read it they have your bio.
