Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Claudia's not dead, she's surely alive .... roaring like a lion ;-)

Wow. I can't believe it has been almost 2 weeks since I wrote on my blog. Nearly daily for 7 years and here I am missing two weeks.

Got those taxes done, though, and my budget for my new all-consuming job. Had a couple of very fun Friday nights with friends and some full days -- Isaac's birthday and time with Tim and Sue and Mike and Kari last Saturday, and now Bart and I are in Arizona visiting my folks. Internet has been quite tricky and we're trying not to work too much.

A quick update on things:

John is out of jail and seems to be doing ok. Mike is more stable than he has been in a while. Ricardo is in jail -- we don't know the full story. Kyle and Christy are living in their new home that they had built -- we haven't seen it yet. Salinda still living in an apartment with Gabby -- Rand happy in Mankato in the basement of friends from church. Tony and Jimmy plugging away at Job Corps, Sadie got her GED last week -- YAY SADIE -- will finish Job Corps early -- maybe even in November. Dominyk, Leon and Wilson doing fine -- Leon staying home to take care of the dog this week, Dominyk and Leon with our friends Nick and Joy and loving that! They get spoiled there.

Things at Bart's church couldn't be better -- all kinds of exciting things happening and the enthusiasm is contagious.

I have a full staff now at Bethany -- and while I won't talk about it much on the blog -- it's a very challenging job -- hopefully with great rewards ahead. It is incredibly consuming though -- both time and energy wise -- and I am seldom home. I like living like this but it is a big change from working from home for 16 years.

But life is really good. I just don't have time to tell you about it. I would promise to do better, but can't guarantee it.

Hopefully when I get back home I'll have Isaac's 2nd birthday party picks to upload for you.

Otherwise I hope everyone is doing well!


  1. Waving hi from Phoenix!

  2. Wow, I'm sorry that Ricardo is in jail. That's hard, I'm sure!
