Thursday, October 18, 2012

Early to bed... early to rise...

The time zone where my parents live is 2 hours earlier than what it is at home. But they also go to bed very early and wake up very early. So when I am here I pretend like I'm still on Minnesota time and then I don't get myself all messed up. So I go to bed between 8 and 8:30 and wake up between 4;30 and 6 and it seems to work well.

After spending a full day with my parents yesterday running errands, going through old letters and pictures, and talking, we have decided that today we need to at least mention to them that they need to consider moving out of their own home. Bart says I am in denial -- I still think they are doing OK -- but based on years of experience as a pastor and working with people in the same situation he can see signs that we need to do this. It troubles me in a lot of ways. My parents are doing very well for 83 and 90 and I didn't want this day to come.

On the other end of things, an administrator from Job Corps called yesterday and indicated that Tony was going to have to go before the review board and ask for an exception so that he can stay in the program. Apparently he has had some anger management issues (not news to us) and they have caused him to lose many points (that and smoking as a minor)> Hopefully he is going to be able to get his act together because if he gets kicked out of the program when he is this close.....

Being away from the office and from home this week has been hard when so many exciting things are happening at the church. But time with my parents has been good and tonight we get to hang out with some awesome friends from college. We will be home tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening Sadie and I will be heading to Women of Faith ...

Time just keeps moving forward......

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