Monday, November 19, 2012

Very Brief Update

Came to blogger to put up a poster (to follow) about a transracial parenting seminar that I'm going to be doing here at Bethany in a couple weeks and thought I better let you know what was up over the past couple weeks.

1. Sadie completed Job Corps and moved home. She had had a phone interview for a seasonal job at Target in the bakery the Monday before she completed the program and the day after she moved home she had a face-to-face interview and got the job. She was supposed to have training on the 27th, but somehow that quickly got moved up and she started working full time last Tuesday. It's a great opportunity for her -- being a pastry chef is her ultimate goal -- and she is getting full time hours. She's very proud of herself for completing the 1 year program in less than 6 months and we are proud of her too. She turned 18 this past week. I'm now parenting only 4 children -- the rest are adults!

2. Tony quit job corp without completeing Tuesday morning. He had gotten in trouble again and instead of going to the review board to ask to stay longer, he just quit. They called us in the morning, he was at the airport by evening the same day, and it has been a real jar to the family system to go from 3 kids home to 5 in just a week's time. He is looking for a job and already beginning to push my buttons. Fortunately he did get his GED.

3. Mike and his son Aiden and Aiden's mom stopped by for a while yesterday. That was fun. They should be back for Thanksgiving.

We are having our Thanksgiving on Thursday this year (we had switched it to Fridays so more could come but it wasn't making a difference) and at this point are expecting to see 8 or 9 of the kids...

Life continues to be busy. I have pictures from a month ago on my camera that I keep saying I'm going to post. I will. Someday. I promise.


  1. Great to hear from you!

    Do you find that Mike has changed for the better since becoming a dad?

  2. Fabulous news about Sadie. Congrats to her for working so hard!

