Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Pay It Forward

Surprise! I have a few extra minutes this morning so I'm going to quick share something with you.

Over the past couple months we have been attempting to rearrange our ridiculous cell phone bill situation. It's a very long story and it has taken a very long time to iron things out, but by the end of today we should have it done.

As part of all of this in the past month I have been able to be a part of seeing four people besides me either get new or used Iphones . Today the fifth will be receiving his. I cannot tell you how much FUN it is to bless someone -- and blessing them with a piece of technology -- ESPECIALLY an Apple product -- I'm not sure it gets much better than that.

So in the midst of all of my busy-ness with work and all that needs to be done, I've been having fun paying forward the blessings I've received.

I suggest you do that today. If you are overwhelmed or feeling not-that-happy -- go do something nice for someone. It will make your day...week...month.

Try it.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree Claudia, the feeling you get when you brighten someone else's day is priceless. Sometimes all it takes is a smile in the grocery store.
