Monday, April 10, 2017

I'm Going to Bless you!

"Is there anything we can do?"   Those are such great words!  We have heard them so many times during Bart's hospitalization and surgery.   I have realized that we should say them more and do more.  Not just in times of hospitalization.

But I almost always said no.  But there were others who didn't ask.  They just said, "We are going to bring you dinner at such and such a time."

Let me tell you this -- I could get used to this.   Having dinner delivered warm at supper time is AWESOME.   The food has been delicious and there is virtually no clean up.   I'm hooked.  Trying to figure out a way to make this last a long time :-)

It also got me to thinking that maybe we shouldn't wait until someone is sick or someone dies to do stuff like this.   I was looking over our lives and realizing that there were times that were tougher than these -- but because nobody was sick or dying, nobody thought to reach out.   But then again, people probably didn't know.... It goes back to us not being authentic in sharing our needs with others. 

So, at the risk of forgetting someone, THANK YOU to Margaret Milam, Martha Jo Hodges, Sam Newell, Michelle Larking, Dave and Nikki Parish, Charley and Carol Majors for bringing us meals this week.  And thanks to Joyce and Tom Underwood and Cathy Hawkins who have said they are bringing some soon.

You are a blessing!

I'm thinking that maybe, out of the blue sometime, I'm just going to text someone and say, "Bart and I are bringing dinner."   Not because they are sick or in the hospital, not because somebody died, because maybe they're just having a hard day and nobody knows.

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