Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Those Crazy Emotions

Do you have a situation in your personal life or at church that troubles you?  Or maybe even at work?  One day you are SURE that God has told you to do something, or that you have recovered from a past hurt and forgiven, and suddenly the enemy rears his ugly head.   Doubt, indecision, anger, anxiety all come crushing in and you wonder if you’ve made any progress at all.  Or maybe you can’t even put a finger on why you are feeling anxious or stressed, but you can’t shake it.   I’ve been there for sure!

Yesterday I listened to a leadership tips video that talked about the ambivalent feelings that happen during a transition.   He mentioned that during any good process of change you have days where you feel the adrenaline of the new, and then there are days when there is self-doubt and questioning about everything.  I have certainly had those feelings during the past few months. 

A couple of the keys that I have found is that my “Deep Work Wednesdays” often turn into “Frantic Freakout Fridays” where my head is spinning about how to implement the ideas and then I go until I drop.   I’ve never been great at pacing myself, so I think maybe God is trying to help me learn the discipline of being deliberate.  

There is a new song out by Mercy Me that talks about times when emotions run crazy.   I won’t tell you any more, cuz I want you to listen to it!  Enjoy!  

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