Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saturday Summary for July 22

Greetings from a very quiet Atlanta hotel room.   Quiet possibly this morning because of how late everyone on my floor was up last night.   :-)  But  I have a White Noise app (a must for any parent of multiple teens and young adults) and so I slept just fine.

I am here for the NACAC conference and in about 30 minutes I will be heading over to meet Yolie (my co-presenter and friend) and then by 10:30 I'll be heading back to Danville.  I haven't seen my husband and a week and it's time!

So.... the last week .... not a whole lot of news on the kid front.  Wilson went with Bart on our church's missions trip, Dominyk was suspended from his job for two weeks because he saw a bass in the lake and had his fishing pole with him, and just couldn't resist the urge to fish, sigh.  So he went down to Danville for the week to babysit Salinda's kids so she could work (and to spare my coworkers of a bored Dominyk with OCD/ADHD).    Not a whole lot of news from home except Tony and Jimmy got in another stupid fight in Minnesota -- they like to scream at each other and lock each other out of the apartment.... hopefully Tony is telling the truth and is moving out soon cuz it is hard to break up a fight from a thousand miles away even though that is somehow their expectation.  At least this fight was during the day and not at 4:30 a.m. like the last one.

And hey guys -- if you're reading this -- remember the saying from when you were kids:  If you don't want me to blog something stupid, then don't do anything stupid!

Bart had a lovely time on the missions trip.  He was the cook and he texted me multiple times about how blessed he feels to be be pastoring the church.  It is great to hear him so happy.

Another great week at work.... things are getting more and more exciting there and I am hoping to be able to tell you more about that soon.  

Book sales are not going well... which only makes me sad from the perspective of how much I like the book and how much I think others would if they read it -- not from the how much I'm making off of it, though that is sad in a whole different way.

On Thursday I started my journey down here and I got to spend some time with some of my favorite people on the planet.  Dr. Bob Black was favorite professor and he officiated at our wedding.  He and his wife Judy remain great friends and I was able to spend time with them and their daughter Jenny, who I knew best when she was 9-11 years old.  Her daughters, now ages 9 and 15... were delightful in their own respective ways.

I did a three hour meeting via google hangout for work yesterday which was incredibly exciting!

I also had a great time in Central with the Wood Families.... Dan and Kelly and Pete and Kim.   I could write paragraphs of all of our great shared experiences back in the late 80s early 90s but it was fun to spend time with their grandchildren.   Their daughter was one of the children I babysat during that time phrase and now she has kids that are 8, 6, and 3.... who look a lot like her and her brother John, who died five years ago.  Her kids are the same age as they were when we hung out at their house two or three times a weekend.   It was a great time of reconnecting and being together.

Then yesterday I battled Atlanta traffic, now one of my least favorite things to do in the universe in 105 degree heat.   Last night I had dinner with Pat O'Brien.... who we have now been friends with since 2006.  If you would like to read about how star struck I was by him back then you can read this blog entry.    Now he's just a great old friend and a true legend in older child adoption.

By the time I get home tonight it will have been a very full week but a very good one.  I am so very thankful for my job, my family, and all the great friends and memories God has given me over the years.  I am so very blessed.

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