Saturday, July 29, 2017

Saturday Summary July 29, 2017

The weeks seem to rush by when I am posting a summary every week.   I've always loved living life at a fast pace, but my body and mind keep sending me signals that I'm getting older and that I will get tired if I don't slow down.   And then I don't slow down and I get tired.  :-)

I will start where I left off last week.  I left that quiet hotel room and when to present at NACAC which I blogged about here.   It went well.  Yolie is awesome and I think people were encouraged by the session.

I then started for the long trip home which was supposed to last 5.5 hours but lasted a little over seven due mostly to some traffic issues near Charlotte.   I came home pretty tired.

Sunday we had church and then that night Bart and I had supper together and then headed over to our friend's porch to hangout.

Monday through Thursday at noon were a blur of work.  It included all day meetings in the Boys and Girls Homes department, which were super exciting and Tuesday was my typical day of back to back meetings.  Wednesday a co-worker and I drove to Richmond for a meeting and even though it was a lot of time in the car, it went fast and we had a great time.  The meeting was well worth attending.

Thursday I had meetings all morning and then headed back here where I tried to help Bart with several things, including yet another trip to the Sprint Store with yet another shattered screen.  Unfortunately my kids seem to have a need to shatter their phone screen at least once before they believe me that they need a screen protector.  Some of them have shattered more than one screen.

We also had to replace our 23 year old fridge as it died and was beyond repair so that was part of our evening.  That and watching the Reds lose.  Again.  Poor Reds.  I am feeling bad for them lately!

Yesterday after my time at the gym, I came home to try and complete work projects while rallying the troops to clean the house for company.  Our friends Jeff and Cheryl came over for a feast of Bart's famous Hay and Straw (Fettucini with ham, bacon, peas, and mushrooms) and it was amazing as always.  If you have had it you know I'm not lying.  It was SOOO good.  And we had a great time with our friends.

There hasn't been much drama on the home front lately, other than the continued discouragement of living with kids who are not always helpful.  But they scored some pretty big points with me yesterday and I'm feeling better about that.

So here it is Saturday morning again.  I'm getting ready to head to the gym and then Bart and I are going to Greensboro to get hair cuts and have lunch together.   And the rest of the weekend will be a mix of child care for adorable grandchildren, work projects that I can fit in here and there, and more Reds baseball.  I also have a stack of books that is getting very high that I want to read.

So there you have it....  a week in the life.   How can anything be that boring and that busy at the same time?

Oh, and one more thing if you have made it this far... I have sold 97 books.  If I sell 125 I will write a sequel.  So if you haven't bought one you should.   And if you have bought one, liked it, and want to read the sequel tell your friends to order one.  Or order one for a friend.  Or order more than one for a friend.

OK, you're getting the idea.


  1. I am a foster adoptive Mother and I just finished your book. Amazing you hit the nail on the head with this book. I've tried to explain to family and friends that my daughters behavior is different. It's like talking a wall because no one listens, they are already formed their opinions....just regular child behavior. I have started passing around the book I bought among family and friends. I can not wait to discuss with them. Thank you so much for writing this book. I look forward to the sequel.

  2. Paula:

    I'm so glad that you enjoyed the book. I am so glad that you felt that it was something that you could share with others.... that was my intention.

    So many people have no idea what it is like to be "us."

    I'd love to hear what your family and friends think and if it helped to bridge a gap!
