Friday, October 27, 2017

Ever Feel like a Nobody?

There’s an interesting verse tucked into the small book of Hosea.   In the NIV it says, "I will say to those called ‘Not my people, ‘You are my people’: and they will say, “you are my God.”

In the Message, God says, I’ll say to “I’ll say to Nobody, ‘You’re my dear Somebody,’ and he’ll say, ‘You’re my God!”.   

I love the way Eugene Peterson paraphrases that verse.  Because we have all felt like a “nobody” at various times in our lives.

All i takes to turn a nobody into a somebody is for God to speak the word.  When he calls us and said “You are mine” we are suddenly and forever changed.

Remember the film “Dead Man Walking?”   In that movie, based on a non-fiction book, Sister Helen Prejean develops a relationship with a guy on death row.   It’s a powerful movie about unconditional love and deep mercy.   During the end of the movie, when Matthew Poncelet (the convicted murderer in a Louisiana prison) is walking to his execution, the song below was playing.    

Tears are forming in my eyes as I listen to this song and remembering the movie and this profound truth— that God can change everything when he reaches down to the lowest nobody and simply say, “You Are Mine!”

If you haven’t heard it….. it’s a lovely, powerful song.

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