Thursday, October 26, 2017

What Kept Me Up from 3:00 to 4:30 am?

Let me tell you all about it.

So, I woke up at three.  No reason other than my bladder being the size of a thimble.  But when I woke up I started thinking about this fundraiser that we are doing at PHFS where I work. I'm in charge of it and it is becoming increasingly more important that I lead the charge in this.   I have never worked at an organization that had a bigger vision or a greater cause to support, so that piece of it is easy.     In case you haven't heard about it, you can check it out here.  I'm combining it with a need to get in better physical shape.

But this is the challenge that has been rolling through my head that started bugging me at 3 a.m.   How am I going to write a novel AND raise money in November?  I usually use my free time (early mornings, evenings and weekends to do things like raise money for this cause, sell my books, promote my speaking gigs, etc.   I don't do it on work time.   And I don't write novels on work time either.  So the idea of not having a month to do fundraising made me think that I should not write a sequel this year.

But there are lots of people who want me to.

So, I stewed, I thought, I prayed a bit and suddenly I came up with the best answer ever.  I could say that God gave it to me ... maybe He did or maybe  He just gave me the brain that came up with it, but I think that it is brilliant.

I am going to get people to sponsor me to write the sequel!  So, here's how it goes.

I am looking for 30 people who will each sponsor me for one day - a day of their choosing during the month of November.  They can sponsor me a penny a word, a nickel a word, a dime a word, 50 cents a word, or a dollar a word (that probably ain't going to happen).  Here is what that would look like.

Last year I wrote between 1500 and 2500 words a day for 19 days and the novel was done.   So let me do the math.....

a penny a word is $15.00 - $25.00

a nickel a word would be $75.00 - $125

a dime a word is $150.00 - $250.00

and a dollar a word... well that would be $1500 - $2500.

I know this would motivate me to write more and it would combine it all, giving me the time to do all three things I need to do -- continue to fundraise, train physically for the walk in March, and write the sequel.

AND it would make you the hero.

1)  You help kids and get a tax deduction.

2)  You help me get healthier.

3)  You get the sequel you've been asking for.

A win win win.  

Too bad I can't have those kind of ideas at 3:00 p.m.

Who will be the first to sign up?  Comment, email me, facebook me, pick your day and your amount.  You don't need to put it on the website yet -- because you won't know how much to put until we get to the end of the day and see how many words I write.

Isn't this fun???

(I wrote this super fast, so if you see anything that doesn't make sense, please let me know so I can clarify.  Would hate to lose sponsors because of a lack of clarity).

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