Saturday, October 07, 2017

Saturday Summary for October 7, 2017

Today is kind of a dreary day after a week of gorgeous sunshine.   I have a head cold and so I'm feeling as dreary as the weather.  I'll try not to let my mood mess with yours :-)

I forgot to mention last Saturday that on Friday night of last weekend we had dinner with a couple of couples from our church.  I can't believe I forgot it because it was one of the highlights of the week.   The food was awesome and we had great conversation.   Sigh.  I think I must be losing it.

Sundays are getting busier for me.  I have rejoined the first service choir, am playing the piano for the praise band, and am teaching adult Sunday School.  Makes for a packed day.  Last week I headed up to Lynchburg for a "Day of Hope" that one of the ministries I oversee held and it was a great event.  They did a super job.

This week was very uneventful.   It looks like Matt and Sadie are going to be getting married in April of 2019 so we have a long ways to wait for that to happen.  Pray for them as Matt really wants to have a procedure done that might help with his battles with pain.  It's expensive, not covered by insurance, and they really want to try it before they start wedding planning (and saving).

Gabby is going to a birthday party today.  She is very excited.

Dominyk is still jobless so if you want to pray about that you can.  Wilson is struggling too and has pretty much stopped talking to me.  I guess there area lots of things you can pray about, but not much exciting to report.

Overall there is nothing major happening with us -- good or bad, making this a quite boring summary.   There are exciting things in the weeks to come though.... I even know some of them, so don't dismay!

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