Monday, October 09, 2017

Seeing God

You've heard it before .... a bunch of times.   "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."   I've spent my life thinking that if I lived a life where I was pure in heart, I would some day see God.  You know, like in heaven....

But as I was preparing to teach Sunday School yesterday, I realized that that may not be it at all.  It may be that the more pure we are in heart, the more of God we see now -- not in the distant future -- and here -- not in heaven someday.

What if the more pure our intentions were, the more transparent, childlike and innocent we were here on earth ... the more we were able to see God today, right here, right now.

What if that meant that we could see Him in us -- in our actions, in our words, in the way we handle others?

What if it meant that we could see Him in creation -- in every star, every blade of grass, every cloud?

What if it meant that we could see Him in others -- the powerful and brilliant, and the poor and downtrodden?

I think that maybe more of what Jesus was saying.  That when our hearts are pure, we see God.   Not some day, but now.  Not somewhere else, but here.

Too see Him more clearly....

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