Monday, October 16, 2017

See the Resemblance?

Do you know of someone who is so much like one parent or the other that people see an immediate resemblance?  Or are you so much like one of your parents that others recognize instantly that you are related?

This concept was brought up in our Sunday school class yesterday as we were discussing this verse.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.

We talked about the difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers.  We discussed different ways that we can be peacemakers:  Bring peace to individuals, lead peaceful protests to bring about peace that comes from social change, and get involved in conflicts between people and help them understand one another. 

But the coolest moment of the class for me was understanding, for the first time, the second part of the verse.   “They shall be called the children of God.”   I asked the question, “Aren’t we all children of God?  Doesn’t He consider all of us His children? 

We came to the conclusion yesterday that maybe it isn’t God that calls us His children when we are peacemakers.  Maybe it’s everyone else who says, “Wow!  That person is a child of God."  Since the very heart of God is peace, could it be the resemblance that people see when we make peace causes them to see us as His Children?

What an amazing thing it would be if someone said of you or me, “Wow!  She looks just like her Father!

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