Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The One Thing that Never Fails

If I started to name all of the things that fail in life I could sit here all day.   At this very moment, my Fit Bit Blaze is failing to sync to my Iphone and it’s very annoying.   I know i had a good night’s sleep but I want to know JUST how good it was.   I know, I know, #firstworldproblem.

Technology fails, vehicles fail, machines fail, my kids fail their classes, plans fail, friends fail, we fail.   

But love…. that’s the one thing that never fails.  Check out 1 Corinthians 13 and you’ll see how it is described.  Powerful.

If you’re needing something to wake you up this morning, check out this song and pray this prayer.  Your day will be different if God answers your prayer.

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