Sunday, December 17, 2017

Small Victories

If you do not know, I have begun a journey towards healthy living that is motivated by an event called Do it For the Kids Day.  On March 17th, to raise money for the organization where I work, I will be walking a 2.6 mile marathon.  Since I have not been able to stand more than 3-5 minutes in the past few years without pain, this is going to be a huge uphill challenge.
I have been incredibly blessed by 61 individuals who have chosen to support me by sponsoring me.  Their encouragement has been amazing and the accountability really works.
So here's the good news on all this stuff.   I started seven weeks ago and  I'm losing weight (you can't know now much unless you donate) and getting stronger, but here are some of the small victories:

1)  Putting on my left sock and shoe is no longer the most strenuous and difficult thing I do all day.
2)  Two months ago I woke up with back pain every single morning.   The past several days I have not had that pain in the morning..
3)  Previously, I could not take a shower and stay standing long enough to get dressed.   This past week I have been able to shower, get dressed, and make the bed without having to sit down and rest my back.

4)  The past several years I have not been able to stand long enough to make toast or pop a bog of microwave popcorn.  Last night I popped two bags.

5)   People say my gait is straighter, my speed is faster, and that I look better, but I'm not noticing that too much.
If you are interested in how I'm managing to make progress so quickly, here is my routine, as prescribed by Dave who is donating my training until the walk.  He's a great guy except when I want to punch him.   Check out his website here.
My meal plan is as follows:
Breakfast:  Lean protein and complex carb
Morning snack:  Fruit and lean protein
Lunch:  Lean protein and complex carb
Afternoon snack:  Fruit and lean protein
Dinner:  Lean Protein and vegetable
One meal a week can be a "cheat meal" and one snack can be a cheat snack"
I can tell you that in every single way this meal plan works.  I'm never hungry.  I don't lack energy.  I'm losing weight.   It's a bit of a hassle to remember to pack snacks, but I'm starting to get into the routine.
My workout plan is as follows:
Monday -- Warehouse training -- weights and stretching, building core muscle

Tuesday - Cardio -- walking... still not much but more than before (can now go .25 miles without stopping because of pain).
Wednesday:  Day off
Thursday:  Monday -- Warehouse training -- weights and stretching, building core muscle

Friday:  Cardio -- walking...
Saturday:  Thursday:  Monday -- Warehouse training -- weights and stretching, building core muscle
Sunday -- day off.

Dave prescribes a daily nap and an hour a day to do something you enjoy. I don't often get the nap in, but I try to on weekends!
So -- there you have it in case you were wondering.  
If you haven't sponsored me yet or would like to you can go to this website.  Here you can see all those who have sponsored me and read updates about the programs we are raising money for as well as my progress.  There are even pictures of me.  

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