Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Definition of Receive

What does it mean to receive?

There are three definitions of this word:

be given, presented with, or paid (something):
"most businesses will receive a tax cut" · [more]
synonyms: be given · be presented with · be awarded · collect · [more]
suffer, experience, or be subject to (specified treatment):
"the event received wide press coverage" · [more]
synonyms: experience · sustain · undergo · meet with · suffer · bear
greet or welcome (a visitor) formally:
"representatives of the club will be received by the Mayor"
synonyms: greet · welcome · say hello to

Until today when I heard the words “Let earth receive her king” I was thinking about the gift idea.   Earth was to receive the king which was being given, or presented, to humanity.   This is a very passive act…. 

But what if it’s more than that?  What if we are to greet and welcome the King of Kings?  What would it look like if you knew that Jesus was coming to your house for Christmas?

I know Bart doesn’t even let normal people in the door unless the house is perfect, so we would have a lot of cleaning to do.   We would use our best dishes.  He would prepare his finest meal.

There’s an even greater responsibility, I believe, to having our lives and our hearts receive the King — not just our homes.   If we are going to give Jesus a proper reception into our lives once again this Christmas, what do we need to do?  What needs to be cleaned up?  What about us needs to be changed?

We should all be asking ourselves this question:

What will it take, this year, for me to receive my King in the best way possible?

Let’s plan his “reception” this year like we never have before.  

1 comment:

  1. I think I would clean what I could but would focus more on making my guest comfortable. Good food, good drinks, good company. Mostly good company. Dust in the corners doesn't matter as much as people do.
