Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Freedom To and Freedom From

It seems odd to me that we talk so little about the resurrection on a regular basis.  Sure, we devote a Sunday to it every year, but it’s odd that we don’t focus a little more regularly on something so amazing.  We serve a risen Savior!   He isn’t like all the other leaders of religions who spent their time here and died.  He’s still alive.

What kind of power does someone have who conquers death?  It’s an incredible thought.   Furthermore, we can have that same kind of power as His followers.

This song by Chris Tomlin reminds us of what one thing that that power gives.  It gives us freedom.   Freedom from fear.  Freedom from guilt.  Freedom from darkness and sin.  Freedom from worry.   Freedom from hopelessness.  Freedom from anger that debilitates us.  

It also gives us freedom to love.  Freedom to give grace and mercy the way it has been given to us.  Freedom to forgive.  Freedom to be courageous during difficult days.  Freedom to believe.  Freedom to persevere.

I challenge you today to think about the amazing power of the resurrection and the freedom is provides — and then live like you have that power.  Live like you have freedom.

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