Monday, April 23, 2018

What if....

The video above was the introduction to the speech I gave on Thursday night.   It was just a short, wrap up speech after we listened to the song "For the One."   The song had such an impact on me that I have listened to over and over again this weekend. Here are some of the words:

Help me to love with open arms, like You do 
A love that erases all the lines, and sees the truth
Oh that when they look in my eyes, they would see You
Even in just a smile; they would feel the Father's love

As I listened I started to think, “What if every Christian was like that?  What if every person who called them-self a follower of Christ loved like he did?

What if the lines were truly erased — the lines of race, the lines of socio-economic status, the lines of gender, the lines of denomination … I could go on and on and on.   What kind of world would that be?

Jesus spent his years of ministry erasing lines.  It’s what he did.  He hung out with publicans and sinners, tax collectors and prostitutes, Samaritans.   He spoke to people nobody else wanted to be around.

So I’m picturing a world where every Christian lived like Jesus.   What if every time someone saw a Christian they saw Jesus… they felt the Father’s love every time they looked at us.   Dare I say every time they read a Facebook post?

Imagine it with me.   Pray it with me.   Let’s encourage each other to love that way.   Let’s commit ourselves to being line erasers and see what God does.

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