Sunday, December 27, 2020

Got goals for 2021?

We are just a few days away from the beginning of 2021. Everyone has looked forward to 2020 ending for quite some time. And just as we do at the beginning of a new year, we look ahead to see what might do differently.

I managed to lose about 50 pounds in 2020 (I have a few to take off in the next week to be able to say 50 with integrity). I did that in the midst of COVID and a stress fracture that forced me to stay off my feet for about 8 weeks. I am proud of that accomplishment. I put a lot of effort into exercise and eating very low carb and it paid off.

In looking to 2021 I want to continue those habits. And I'd like to add a few more. One of the things that really has helped me in the past is challenges -- getting a group of people to work on goals with me. I've been doing this for about 3 years -- there are no fees (did you know people are making money creating these groups and selling some kind of product. They set up the group, provide coaching, etc. and then they get paid for it. I just do it cuz it's fun and it holds me accountable to lead the group and they keep me going).

This next challenge will not just be about food and exercise. I'm still trying to name it but it will involve turning goals into habits over the course of a few months. You can choose your own goals... we will be doing that over the next week or so.

Any takers? If so, comment here or on FB. I will be getting the group set up over the next week.

As a preview -- you will be able to set goals in 4 of the following eight categories (based on the level 10 life) and we will focus on two goals each month for the next four months and then evaluate.

  • Health and Fitness.

  • Physical Environment.

  • Giving and/or Contributions.

  • Fun and Recreation.

  • Marriage or Relationship.

  • Career.

  • Finances.

  • Spiritual.

So who is in? (and in case you missed it, I started a new blog. We will see if I do any better than I have with this one int he last six months). :-)

1 comment:

  1. Servetus11:43 PM

    I would like to follow the new blog but there is neither an RSS feed nor a way to subscribe via email.
