Thursday, December 24, 2020

Remember When Blogging Wasn't about Networking, Sales, or Facebook Likes?

There are so many things that have gotten better over the years. I don't think blogging has.

Do you?

Maybe you haven't been in the blogosphere long enough to remember back in the day when it was all about authenticity and journaling. Perfect punctuation and vivid images weren't necessary. It was about community, connection and support. Nobody was trying to market anything -- we were just all trying to make it through the day.

This blog was always just that. My husband called it "puke on a page" and a friend once told me that my blog was "like a bad car accident. You knew you should look away, but you just couldn't." That was my life back then and I laid it all out there.

But now there is pressure. Blogs are supposed to be perfect representations of people who are trying to market something -- They are trying to market a book or launch a speaking career. They want to "create content" so that they will get lots of shares of a Facebook link and "drive traffic" to their product. It has become another marketing tool.

In addition, we have gotten much lazier as a society. Even clicking on a a link on Facebook has become too much work. So how do we find our way in a world that is bombarded with content?

I have stumbled to find my way. My kids, all adults now, don't want their stuff out there for everyone to see. I can write devotionals -- but typically they get read more if they are just on Facebook without a link. Others have found a voice in Facebook groups or through other means. So I'm going to go back to the way it was...

It's my plan to not think too much about it all. I'll blog about whatever is in my head and if it resonates it resonates. If people read it that's awesome.... and if not, then it's ok, it will reach who it is supposed to reach.

And along the way I hope I can help others but if not, maybe it will help me to rekindle the passion that I had when my physical energy more closely matched my mental energy. Anybody else there?

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