Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Step by Step

Ever heard the old phrase … walking “in the light?”  I heard it growing up from my parents and my mom explained it this way.

She told me that God doesn’t always show us the whole path ahead.  It’s like we are in the dark and He holds a flashlight.  He gives us all we need to know to just take the next step of obedience.  And He shines the light on that next step.   We just need to take that next step of obedience.

I’m not always fond of that methodology.  I would prefer to know the big picture and where I’m going to be way more than one step down the road (or at least I think I would).  But God just asks us to take that one step in obedience and He will be there with us.

One of today’s songs (I couldn’t pick just one) reminds us that he is with us in the next step

When you're feeling you've given all that you've got
I'm with you in the next step
Giving you in the next breath
I'll be the voice saying "You're gonna make it"
When you're out there on your own
You are never alone

The second song we promise God to take every step in obedience while we follow Him.

And finally, an old classic says:

Step by step you lead me, and I will follow you all of my days.

Worried about next year, next month, next week?  Wonder what is ahead.

All we need to do is walk in the light of obedience for the next minute, the next hour… the rest of today and the light we need for tomorrow will be there then.

A famous historical figure once said, “Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough trouble of its own."  Know who that is?

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