Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gratitude Journal #2

Tonight I’m thankful for Rand. Six years ago today a skinny scared little hurt boy moved into our home. He had been in 15 foster care placements over a period of 7 years. He had been neglected in his birth home, but abused in every way in foster care. He had a disrupted adoption. He had a long list of diagnosis. We were sure that he needed to be a part of our family, but we were convinced he was going to be so hard to raise.

We couldn’t have been more wrong. He loves to please and is a teddy bear. I talked about his major sports accomplishment here and wrote this entry on his birthday .

Since then he has managed to do three things he has never been able to do before. He successfully completed his first season of sports, he passed his Driver’s Permit test, and he has held down a job for a month. He even made the B honor roll again.

So I’m grateful that he is part of our family and that we didn’t let his scary history and paperwork deter us. He’s on the road to achieving all the success he can with his limitations.

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