Thursday, August 30, 2007

Late but Good Start to the Day

Salinda actually stayed home last night (well, at least I think she did, never a guarantee) so I was able to sleep from 10 until 7. It was great. Got up around 7:20 and then went to the YMCA and then came home to shower. Tony never did his dishes last night so I assigned his PCA the task of making him do them and I ran away to the coffee shop to work so I wouldn't have to listen to the oppositional tirade.

When I got here an unpleasant conversation with Salinda (I was trying to offer to take her shopping and out to lunch but she was so not interested in spending time with me that it was annoying) and an email about John attempted to remove my good move, but I'm standing firm.

If you've read the blog you know that the only place that John has ever been successful is the ranch where he is, and now they are planning to move him in a few months back into foster care and to our hometown. I was invited to give my input, which, if you were reading last year, you know did very little good last time. I still gave it, but it is unlikely that it will matter.

For me, integrity and honesty are core values that are pretty important and I get annoyed when people hide behind other things. It is pretty obvious to me that the county made a decision that they were not going to spend any more from the Child Protection budget on John after he is 18, even though he won't be graduated or ready to live on his own. So the plan has to change for him. I know the system, I get that.

But it would have been nice if the worker could have stated that instead of some story about how John isn't being challenged enough. We all know it isn't really about John and whether or not he's being challenged. It's about how much the program he is in is costing and how long they are willing to pay.

So, say that already, give me the facts, and let me help you develop and plan. And then, when we have a plan we can agree on, tell John.

Don't get the news that you have to move him because of $, meet with him and tell him the plan, and then ask his parents for their input.

I should call John Stossel. GIVE ME A BREAK.

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