Monday, April 28, 2008

Stomach flu...

Dominyk had it on Friday. Tony and Rand now have it. And of course, I am the family's designated puke-cleaner-upper. And Rand won't be able to give rides... and I will end up in the van longer and whine whine whine.

It must only be a 24 hour thing though, because Dominyk was feeling much better on Friday by about 1:00 and then got it in his mind he was going to go out and have some fun. In our house, if you're sick, you're sick all day... so he wasn't going to be able to go anywhere. He obsessed and wailed and had a major tantrum -- and I really needed to have a nap. There were a couple of very stressful meetings ahead for me and I needed to rest. I didn't get to rest, though, and instead I got more and more stressed out. It wasn't a good combination.

So I am wondering what Tony will do around 1 today. I'm not too worried about Rand, he will most likely hermit in his room, relieved not to have to do anything or go anywhere.

Fortunately for me, maybe not so fortunately for Bart, I have to leave around 2 p.m. so I will miss part of whatever happens.

We are making slow but steady progress on the book editing project and I'm excited about that. It is going to take a long time, but the end result will be worth it.

Even though I got caught up to some extent over the weekend, my day is still full.... and it's time to wake up the kids. Another day is about to begin in full force at the Fletchers...

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