Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Day Today

I know, i've been blogging a lot. Maybe too much for you, but it's good for me. Bart says that I'm getting egocentric and that the blog is becoming all about me and that you want to hear more about the kids. I say screw him. Oh wait, no I didn't say that.

I am finding that blogging is becoming the key in my efforts to change my life so in a sense, I guess it is all about me. But I hope it is helpful to you as well.

I just posted about building momentum on the dieting blog, and while there it is about diet an exercise, it really pertains to almost everything.

I have enjoyed my two hours of quiet. I'm actually in the bedroom, finding that a change of scenery helps to motivate. I've been plugging away at a fairly full inbox and making progress.

In 45 minutes I am leaving for a two hour trip to John's new group home. He is moving there exactly one month before his 18th birthday and this will hopefully mean that he can transition well. If anyone has a 16 year old who may need an assisted living situation as an adult, you better get started working on this now. It has taken us almost 2 years to get things set up for this and we're only actually having everything fall together a month before he turns 18. This is all due to the fact that there is a worker at the county who "gets it" and she has been working hard with me almost since we moved here to set up things for our kids. Once John is settled we will start working on Jimmy. He is 16 and a half and definitely will need to live in someplace supervised as an adult, but for different reasons than John.

So today is kind of a celebration that we accomplished this. We had Mike all set up too, a little over a year ago when he turned 18, and it didn't go well because of his choices. John will have the opportunity to either make the best of this and do it well, or head in the other direction. But at least we know we had him set up to succeed.

Fortunately, I enjoy the social worker and she and I are travelling together, so the four hours will go quickly, I'm sure. Plus we'll get to have some lunch on the way. Maybe a nice Arby's Wrap... NOT. (692 calories than you very much)

I've finished delivering unwelcomed messages to Salinda and she managed to receive them without curse words, so the day is off to a great start. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, I love reading about you and your kids, and your family, and Bart, so you just keep on keeping on writing like you have been!

    I think God truly did a great thing putting the 2 of you together, and the only 2 people who I have to say are better than the 2 of you, are my parents! They will celebrate 50 years of marriage on March 27!!! I hope you and Bart make it to 25, and then to 50!!! And that all your kids will be there to celebrate with you. Oh, and your MANY grandchildren, too! LOL
