Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Whole Bunch of Messed up People

We had church today. And even though my husband was gone, it was a good service. Guest speaker was awesome and for some reason stuff started to hit me in a new way.

I sat there looking around realizing just what a bunch of flawed individuals we all are. Just a bunch of people, surviving the human condition, internally full of all kinds of conflicts and questions and struggles. The best of intentions not always arriving at the right conclusions. Making mistakes. Doing stupid things. In need of grace.

I may blog more about the sermon later, but I was reminded today that people outside of the church often view the church as full of hypocrites. I really don't see it that way. I think that inside the church is one place where we all sit emotionally naked before God and realize that we are what we are.... flawed. Messed up. Human.

The older I get the more I realize that we all have hidden things that mess us up. We have flaws and faults. But we all also have gifts and things to share with others. The key is letting God's grace heal all of the mess ... to forgive us and help us move on to a new place where we can share those gifts.

I didn't go to church with a bunch of hypocrites today. I went to church with a bunch of humans who together know that we are fallible.... and in need of grace.

And I received that grace today. Grace to begin anew. Grace to live another day. Grace that allows God's glory to shine through a cracked and imperfect vessel.

Grace. Don't ever want to take it for granted.


  1. i have been secretly reading your blog, sorry, your words today really helped me, i am going through a very hard time with my adult bio kid. gosh do they ever grow up? the only thing she has 3 little ones she is dragging through the mud with her and i had to rescue them. It hurts to see her so messed up and i only have gods grace to help me through it. thanks for the words and its nice to know someone elses life is as messed up as mine..Ha Ha Lori J
