Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Calm in the Midst of the Storm

Things aren't as calm around here as my blog might indicate. In fact, they still have their intense moments. I'm not sure if it is because I am bored with the drama, or because the stuff gets more and more personal for the kids and they are now teens and don't want it shared, or because I'm so used to it? Or is it because I have really learned how to let God give me peace in the midst of the calm.

I have kids fighting some pretty big things. I won't be specific, but between the twelve of them we have those who are battling (or choosing not to battle) addictions: alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, food. We have some who are drowning in anxiety and others who are depressed. We have some that are unemployed and are struggling to find ways to survive financially. We have those who struggle in school because of learning disabilities.

It seems that some of our kids grow up and out of their dysfunctions and mental health issues, and that there are others who grow up and grow deeper into them. There are some who seem to think more clearly every day as they age... and others whose thinking seems to get more cloudy.

I am not sure what my role is in helping some of my children. Certainly I can pray for them, and offer some guidance, but I can only do that when I can distance myself enough to not get involved emotionally in their stuff. I have to be able to look at them apart from their relationship with me and how their behavior affects me in order for me to be helpful.

And that, as you well know, isn't easy to do.

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