Saturday, November 03, 2012

It's November Already!

In the past I have blogged that life is a blur... very full and very fast-paced. But never before has it been so much of a blur -- so full and so fast-paced -- that I haven't been able to find time to blog. But apparently that time has come.

My job at Bethany is very time-consuming and intense. When I was working from home I would work 15-17 hours some days, but I apparently was taking breaks or something because I sure wasn't as tired as I am now. I used to hear people talk about how they didn't want to touch a computer after working 9-10 hours a day on one, but I never felt that way. I could be on the computer for 15-16 hours a day and never get tired of it. But now, I come home and I just don't want to touch the thing. (please, don't faint).

Another thing that has changed is that I am getting more involved in church than I have for a while. I sing in the choir and play bells which takes 3 hours of my Thursday night... The women there are determined to turn me into one so I've joined "elizabeth circle" which meant crocheting a scarf. I know, I know, just don't even comment on that one. I have some friends that are very good "servants" and am trying hard to be more like them, but I still believe that I am a much better "servee" than a " servant." But this involves extra time -- and extra thinking time about how to do it. And every Sunday evening we have people over for dessert from church (a dozen at a time) to get to know them. We have had about 200 people come and it's been fun. We started the first of August and still have a ways to go.

And then there's our social life. For the first time ever Bart and I can leave the house completely worry free and enjoy ourselves. So we have been! We have been to people's house for dinner, gone out to eat with just one other couple (something that we rarely got to do before (sans kids) and have enjoyed other kinds of outings. I am loving all the social stuff -- Bart is getting warn out -- so occasionally I don't plan something but I have to work on controlling myself.

Our kids are fine. There is some unbloggable news.... that I'll have to share another time. A quick update on the kids: Wilson has just started wrestling and is very excited about that. Dominyk never complains about school and has a couple of good friends that he does things with socially (a first in his life at age 16). Leon has just started wrestling as well but I apparently I am going to have to take on the MN State Athletic league about his eligibility because he is not attending the "attendance area" school. Please help us pray about this because he has been quite depressed and was looking towards wrestling as his salvation and now it is at risk.

Sadie has finished her GED and is now done with her culinary program at Job Corps. Since it is a 1 year program and she is done in less than 6 months, we are very proud of her. She will be moving home on Thursday or Friday of next week. Has a job interview Monday at the Target Superstore bakery. We are crossing our fingers that she will get it.... I'm a bit nervous about her return home, but taking things one step at a time.

Tony completed his GED at Job Corps as well! He almost got kicked out because of behavior, but apparently they are going to let him stay. Jimmy is also in trouble there often, but so far they are both still there. WE are planning to get them for Thanksgiving... assuming they are allowed to come home and haven't been kicked out.

Rand is doing well. We hear nothing but positive from and about him. Mike seems to be quite stable and Tessa and Aiden apparently are doing well. Isaac was here last weekend and was the cutest he's ever been. We babysat and Courtney then stayed a couple extra days with him/us. John was in jail for a bit this week, not sure why.

Ricardo is now out of jail. We seldom hear anything from him. Salinda and Gabby seem fine -- she is having car trouble, but otherwise we don't hear much. Kyle and Christy closed on the new house they had built and have bought a very cute puggle named Dexter.

Bart is happier than he has ever been and he nad I both are challenged by our jobs. We love our new home and are very content with how things are at this moment. We are enjoying it while we can as we know things can change at any time....

That about sums it up.... Pictures above I stole from their facebook pages -- the three grandkids and the new grandog......

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