Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Back at the Coffee Shop

Things were so mellow at home -- only 4 kids there and one waiting for a PCA soon -- that I escaped to the coffee shop for a few minutes. I''m trying to get caught up plus I need to talk to John's social worker so we are going to meet here.

Having CAFFEINE FREE iced tea though, so don't start thinking I'm screwing up on that New Month's Resolution already.

Salinda has had a very good week. (Knocking on every piece of wood in the coffee shop right now). She is planning on leaving for a few days (with our permission) with her best friend and her family. It's such a relief to have her home and not spewing venom all over the family. She even got busy and got the lawn mowed today -- making money to pay off her debt. I'm proud of her. She is at least taking some steps in a positive direction. It's been almost a week she she has displayed horribly unacceptable behavior. Might be the longest stretch in almost two years. Very nice.

Have some goals of things to get done here so better not spend it all blogging.

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