Thursday, July 10, 2008

Do Police Stations Have Punch Cards or Frequent Flyer Miles?

I just got back from the police station. Salinda left yesterday reporting to me that he was being picked up by a couple girls (one who I have met) and that they were going to go to the town where she has permission to stay with people we have met. She said she would call when she got there.

That was 28 hours ago and I have heard nothing. I texted her friends and it turned out she was never picked up by either of the girls she mentioned and did not stay at the place that she said she was staying.

So I went and reported her missing. This happens every time I start to trust her. I should have known she was lying through her teeth when she texted that she loved me twice.

There is that small possibility that something is really awry and that there is fowl play and even though the logical conclusion is that she is just hanging out with people we would never give her a chance to hang out with, I can't help but be a little worried.

I hate the stress of waiting for the police to call or for her to show up or call. It's still stressful no matter how often you go through it. At least for me it is.

Gotta get rid of this anxiety though....

1 comment:

Torina said...

I hope you find her soon...and safe!!!

You mentioned how well behaved she was all week. Makes me wonder if she was planning something all week...but maybe not. I hope it turns out okay.