Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I Really Do Love My LIfe.... but There is Just So Much Of It

Here it is 9:45 and I am just getting around to posting this entry. I am thoroughly enjoying my life lately, but am amazed at how much life I have to live. There is really nothing in my life that i don't enjoy -- I just have so much to do. And I bet as blog readers you are just tired of hearing about it.

So without further comment let me direct those of you who are looking for meat to this blog entry in my Everything Adoption Blog. I hadn't added anything for almost a year! But this entry is about the first year of placement. I've been wanting to write about this principle for quite some time and so I finally took time this morning to jot some things down.

Last night I finally got the wireless network to work 4 hours after I started on it. We also got all the shower invites done (using Angela's stamping idea, even though I'm sure they didn't turn out nearly as nicely as hers would have. I also helped Sadie with math for a long time. I am attempting to spend my evenings with the kids when I am only home a few nights a week. Having new recliners in the living room that we purchased on Sunday helps.

Salinda and I had an interesting text conversation. Apparently she has decided to live with her boyfriend's family for the majority of the time and may be moving up there soon. Her decision has been long in coming and while it makes us sad to not have the baby here all the time, it is probably for the best at this point for several reasons. Shhhhh. Don't tell her I said that or she'll change her mind.

Our response to her has thrown her off though. I still went to her baby shower and bought her gifts. I'm planning another shower for her. We are still changing rooms around to give her and the baby a place when she visits. And she said last night that it makes her cry because she has been so mean to us and we are still being nice. I told her that was a good reason to cry and then made a little smiley :-) and put LOL. However, at this point I think our response is a good one. Being open and welcoming to her and the baby wherever they live will make her feel safe if she needs a plan B.

Today is full -- and I must move on, but I never feel like I can start my day without giving you an update.

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