Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Technology Demons

It took me almost all of yesterday to solve two of my three technology woes. One of them is quite spooky. It seems that my .mac account has been messed with and even Apple can't figure out why. I'm not getting my mail and my name was changed. Makes me paranoid that it might be personal, but other than my kids there are few people I've completely pissed off in m life.

The second issue involves a firewall and my server for work, which I have yet to fix.

The third was internet throughout the house. Our wireless network went down and everything had to be reconfigured. I finally got it done about 6 last night.

So today I am going to try and catch up on all the things that I should have been doing while I was doing that.

Online book marketing has been at an all time low the past couple weeks. Seems like I Just can't fit it in. So if you'd like to help with that, anything that you do would be appreciated.

I'm off to wake up what used to be several small children and now is one small child and several smelly teenage boys and their beautiful sister who got her braces off yesterday. Unfortunately, the only picture is on my phone and since my email is down I will have to figure out a creative way to get it here for you. That can be a project for today.

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