Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dunn's With My Daughter

Kari warned me last night that she might not feel well enough to come this morning, so i wasn't surprised when Sadie and I pulled up and she didn't come out. We went to the Y and are now at Dunn Brother's but I'm not working on the book. I would feel so guilty to be SO FAR AHEAD of Kari that it demoralized her. So I will finish up a few things before leaving for a meeting in Twin Cities today.

We celebrated Bart's birthday last night and had a great time. I'll post pictures later.

One of the things I did this morning was send handouts for our presentation next week in Philadlephia. I'm looking forward to the trip and just last night confirmed some adults to help with the kids so they won't be alone at home.

I'm trying to focus on completing one task at a time as I have a lot going on. But when I sit down to blog it all comes rushing to me and I'm not sure you are interested in my daily schedule or all the random thoughts that are pouring through my overloaded brain.

So for now I'll just move on....

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