Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Last NIght on Steroids (I Hope forever)

Last night was interesting to say the least. The other night I wanted to blog about was probably more interesting, but I wasn't in shape to blog it after it was over and never got around to it. This morning I'm feeling like I can get a blog post written and still have energy for at least a half day of normal.

I began my night in my most comfortable position. I was not coughing. I was not wheezing. I was not even that sick to my stomach. I was not having hallucinations. I just lay there, serene and comfortable, but not asleep. I will call that phase one.

Phase two was from midnight to three. I had three very vivid and real dreams that were intriguing to me, but not necessary worth blogging. They were mellow, not intense, and very involved.

Three to 5:15 was phase three. This involved my brain suddenly turning on and looking to the future. All the sudden I had brilliant plans for every one of my children and rehearsed conversations with them. My work to-do lists were formulating before my very eyes. Mentally feeling like myself for the first time since the surgery, I knew good and well that I would not have physical energy to accomplish it all, but it was good to start planning again.

I finally gave up on sleeping and headed to the shower. Almost an hour later, after a long toilet sit (Levoquin, ugh) I came up, had some Activia yogurt, and then came upstairs to blog.

One of the things I came up with was a plan for how to recuperate enough for the trip Monday. My doctors have not cancelled it and I really need something to look forward to. The project, which has it's kick off at this meeting, is for 2010, and has numerical goals, so we really need to get started.

Today I have a only three things to accomplish, and I plan to rest this afternoon. Then I have spaced myself out over the next few days with only a few things each day until a training Friday which I have a lot of help for.

I'm seeing light at the end of my tunnel and even though I fully expect this to take a while, I am on the road to me.

And when I'm back, look out. ;-)

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