Sunday, May 31, 2009

One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus...

After a long day of moodiness, nauseau, exhaustion, etc., Salinda and I were able to have a decent conversation. I am purposefully not blogging a lot of details about the decisions she needs to make, because it involves her boyfriends family who could easily find the blog and it would cause a lot of issues. Let's just say that one of the things I did not think about was how much a pregnancy ties two families together. I have a feeling that, as with many girls, this experience may be the death of a dream or a fantasy. I'll leave it at that. But she has a lot to decide and a lot to deal with and she hates decisions.

This morning it was difficult to get her out of bed for church -- the first thing I have had to require since we found out because she has spent much of the last couple weeks up at his house. I tried to do it without a huge argument and left the final decision to her and I think she is up. We're leaving in a few minutes.

And then we'll take this one day at a time as well...


Anonymous said...

Claudia - Prayers for your family situation. I'm only just now making time to read blogs after several may know already that I now have TWO pregnant teenagers in my house. LOTS of things to think about when you combine a teenage pregnancy and an already troubled child... Thoughts are with you! email if you need a mom to bounce thoughts/feelings off! :-)

tracy said...

To anyone with a pregnant teen consider calling the county to request a Public Health Nurse. (My job.) A PHN can provide education to the teen who may not be receptive to hearing it from their own mom. I generally visit the teens monthly throughout the pregnancy and into parenting if applicable.