Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Breaking Things Down Into Small Pieces

Again my thoughts are turning lately to success and how it is achieved. I have many times been a member of "Fly Lady" and I realized this time why what she is doing works. She breaks things down into small parts and then encourages people to do small things and build on them.

And I am finding that this can work with anything. Whether it be a child's behavior or a personal habit that needs changing, or, in Fly Lady's case, trying to get control over a messy and cluttered house, the key is breaking things down into manageable pieces and doing SOMETHING.

So that is how I'm trying to approach life. If I see something that I think needs to be changed, I try to think of ONE thing that I can do about it. Even if it is a small thing. In a fitness pod cast I listened to at the Y this morning, the guy was talking about this as well and said, "even if you just decide that for one week you are going to walk to the end of the block and back as your TOTAL exercise, do that." That's just one example. It can go into any area of life.

One small thing at a time. And then build on it. That is how the world is changed, this is how people change.

Even if you already have a tidy and clutter free house, you may want to join Fly Lady just to see how the method works to apply it to something else. (and by the way, I'm not getting paid anything to promote this).

If you are tackling something huge and need to break it down, you could share in the comments section and we can encourage each other.

Break it down into small pieces and then tackle one thing at a time and build. It works.

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