Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Character, Round 3

Last night Ricardo had a soccer game. He had already done everything he was supposed to do that day (for the charts that I have going to earn extra school clothes money). But the game didn’t get over until almost 8 o’clock and he still hadn’t eaten.

And Tuesday night is his night for dishes. And wow, did he surprise me. I know he was tired -- if you could see him play, he really has a determined look on his face and is always going for it... full speed, maximum energy, all the time.

And yet he came home, ate, and tackled all the dishes, one at a time. And since Bart made baked chicken, rice, and broccoli there were lots of pots and pans. I don’t think he finished until around 9 or 9:30 but he did it all without a word of complaint.

Character. I love to watch it develop.

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