Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Home again again

Salinda finally got discharged yesterday at 2:30. By then I was not patient... I am not a good nurse adn I was doing my best, but I was getting frustrated. This resulted in my 2:30 visit happening at 7 p.m. and me arriving home at 9:30 exhausted.

But we're back at it this morning.... Bart finally isn't responsible to take the kids to school and I'm getting them up and ready. I have another long day today and at this moment I believe there is a small animal crawling through the walls of my office. It's a little disconcerting, but not quite as much as the children who are back into full force defiance because I live.

There's a parody of a song in there... Because I live.... but I"ll leave it right there.

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