Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Book We're Writing -- I need an IDEA!

The book we are writing has had a name change. Right now on the blog it is called “Ten in Nine” but that was because we adopted 10 kids in 9 years. But now we have twelve so we thought long and hard and concluded that we would call the book “Claiming the Unclaimed: How 12 Children and 2 Adults became One Family.”

However, the book lacks my typical sense of humor and so I am going to be writing a humorous anecdote section and stick it between chapters.

Here is my conundrum. I can’t decide what to call it. Every name that I come up with Bart says is dumb. I thought of “The Humor Corner” or “Laugh Time” or “Laughter Break” but he doesn’t like any of them.

Anybody have a good idea? It would basically be a page or two every three or four chapters that tells a funny story about one or more of our kids.

What should I call it? Any good ideas out there?


Kathleen said...

"A FUnny thing happened on the way to making a family"

Kathleen said...

"A funny thing happened on the way to becoming a family"

Kari said...

I like Kathleen's idea!

Spinner said...

Could you do anything with "Never a dull moment" since it's already a meaningful phrase as you've been telling your story?

Anonymous said...

"Laugh or go crazy" is my motto, and it applies to so many aspects of life. I'm willing to share it if you want to use it. :-)

Kathyb1960 said...

I don't know if it's too late to make a suggestion, but how about.....

Claudia's Comedy Corner