Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Comedy of Errors or 3 hours and 15 minutes in the life...

It was 3:45 when Salinda insisted on a ride to the store which needed to be preceded by a stop at the post office for her to mail a letter and a trip to the bank to get cash. I had already promised Tony that I would be at his tennis match at 4:30. Miraculously, I actually made it to the match and pulled up next to the outdoor courts. I was able to watch each of them serve a couple of times and then it started to rain.

The kids all went to their parents cars to get a ride to the Indoor Tennis Courts about five miles from town. So I took Jimmy and Tony there, but on the way I called Bart and said, “It’s raining, so I am going to go see if Leon and Ricardo’s game is cancelled. If they call, tell them I’m on my way. (They usually play the second game, so I had planned to go watch them after the tennis match). I drove the 3 miles back into town and when I got to the baseball field I saw Leon and Ricardo warming up. So I drove back to the indoor tennis courts.

I arrived there and when I did, I found that somehow the other team hadn’t shown up yet so nobody was playing (I don’t know why the delay occurred and they couldn’t get there). So I waited a while and then Bart called and said that Ricardo and Leon kept calling for a ride home. I was very confused by this, but figured it had gotten too cold. So, I left the tennis match and went back to the baseball diamonds. And there they were, warming up again.

So, I got out of the van and walked toward them. Leon saw me and headed to get his stuff. He said, ”We won! ANd I did great!“ I said, ”WHAT? I thought you guys were warming up. “Nope. We play the 4:30 game for the rest of the year.” And I said, “And I’m supposed to know this, how?” He said he caught a bunch of balls and had a great game. I apologized for messing up and not being there.

And then realized that Ricardo had 2 minutes until he needed to be completely on the other side of town for soccer practice. And he needed his shin guards at home. We got in the van and he said he needed something important from his locker. Knowing we were cutting it really short, I agreed to go to the school. But when we got there, the locker room doors were locked, so I headed to the front of the school, at which point he said, “Never mind, I don’t want to want to walk all the way through the school.” Grrr.

So I rush by home and he runs in and drops off baseball stuff and grabs soccer stuff. I was grateful that the email I had written to his coach explaining that he would not make it to soccer practice was still sitting unsent in my email program because I would have looked like an idiot. I got him to practice at 6:01 and felt good about that. Then I headed back to the indoor tennis courts (which I googled it ... is 10.6 miles from the park where Ricardo was practicing) and arrived to late to see Jimmy play, but in time to watch Tony, who is the one who cared if I was there anyway.

After that game Jimmy needed to go to the school to drop off his stuff. Since we knew that the locker room doors were locked, I told him that I would drop him off at the front. He asked me if I could drive around to the back and pick him up. I agreed. Tony hopped in the front seat.

Half way home I said to Tony “Why didn’t you stop me? We’re supposed to be on the other side of the school, not going home!” I turned around and headed back to the school to find a very confused looking JImmy -- even more confused looking than usual.

So, 3 hours and 15 minutes after I left the house, probably driving the equivalent of a trip to the Cities and back.

And then I sat down to start to type all this down and about 7:45 I suddenly remembered we had forgotten to pick up Ricardo at soccer practice.

I read an article about short term memory loss and menopause .... but I’m sure THAT isn’t it.

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